A beautiful lush hand-tied bouquet of flowers and foliage. Our talented florists will hand pick beautiful seasonal blooms that we source from the Christchurch Flower Market. Because of the seasonal availability, the bouquet will not be exactly as you see here but they will be just as stunning.
The Harakeke Florist flower subscription is the perfect gift for flower lovers or a special treat for yourself. You can choose how many bunches you want to buy, four, six or twelve. The flowers can be delivered weekly, fortnightly and Monthly. Delivery needs to be the same address each time.
You pick the date that you would like the flower subscription to start. The date picker will be on the cart page. If the subscription is for a gift we can send them the subscription gift voucher so they can start it when they want to.
Pay just one delivery fee of $15 - $35
Gift wrapped in white paper.
We are closed all Sundays and public holidays with the exception of Christmas Eve, Valentines day, Mother's day.
(Please note that we are closed between Christmas and New year. If for any reason the date that you pick is unavailable for delivery we will contact you as soon as possible.)
Bunch shown not actual size.
Please note we can only deliver throughout Christchurch and to one address. You can't change the address each delivery.