Established in 2007, Harakeke, the prettiest little florist shop opened its doors nestled amongst other unique shops in the quirky Poplar Lanes. In 2010, we moved across the road into the grand and Iconic Mackenzie and Willis Building. In this lovely space our business continued to blossom until February 22nd 2011. Unfortunately, the shop suffered severe damage in the earthquake and we never went back. Harakeke Florist is a business that operates in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Being as passionate about all things flowers as we are, the team at Harakeke has continued to arrange beautiful floral displays for our corporate clients and bridal parties.
Harakeke is currently situated in Sumner. We continue to offer a friendly and professional service to all of our customers. Our attention to detail and the love that we have for flowers has not changed.
Laura McGuire and her team at Harakeke florist strive to provide the wow factor in each and every piece they create, whether your need is a special gift, intimate dinner party or an elaborate event. Having an obsession with all things pretty and beautiful, we have a select range of giftware available also. Such a great accompaniment to the gorgeous flowers we sell.